Acupuncture of Wandering Monks: Introduction & Practice of Saam Acupuncture
Learning the basics of promoting or controlling the flow of qi through the Five Phases is an elemental part of every acupuncturist's training . We learn how the antique points can be used to nudge a response or invite a different kind of resonance into a patient's life.
The Korean Saam acupuncture tradition has been passed down through a lineage of monk/practitioners. It not only uses “wu xing” elemental qi transfer, but additionally blends it together with the the six conformations, yin/yang organ resonance, the yi jing, and constitutional body types.
A powerfully integrative method
Wandering monks aren’t doctors; their job is to help alleviate suffering with whatever means they have. And some of them learned a stream of acupuncture that came from the meditative attainment of a Buddhist monk 400 years ago in Korea. Sa’am acupuncture relies on the dynamics of the Five Phases, but it goes beyond our modern view, which gives special attention to the yin organs and incorporates the yang organs as well.
Furthermore, it brings in the influences of the Six Conformations in a way that integrates the “liu jing” with the “wu xing.” Because Sa’am acupuncture uses the elemental transport points it can easily be practiced in any kind of clinical setting.
The basic principles are not difficult to grasp if you already have a basic foundation in Chinese medicine. And you can quickly begin to integrate this method into your clinical work. At the same time, there is a depth to this method as it brings together the six confirmations and five phases in a way that can help to deepen your understand of complex illnesses.
In this class you will learn
The classical foundations of Sa’am acupuncture
Connections with the Yi Jing
Diagnosis and treatment
Evaluating physical, mental, and emotional signs and symptoms
Point selection and methods
How Sa’am is similar and different from other acupuncture methods
The importance of correct diagnosis and reversing faulty treatment
Case studies
Hands on practice applying the methods
Integrating into your current practice
Sonoma County Welcome Package
Join us in-person in Sonoma County, or live stream to your living room
Preston Farm and Winery
9282 W Dry Creek Rd, Healdsburg, CA 95448
(We will be holding the class in an open-air pavilion)
June 10 and 11, 2023
8:30am Pacific • 9:30am Mountain • 10:30am Central • 11:30PM Eastern
Practitioner Rate
Includes lifetime access to the recording of this class
Student Rate
Prerequisite: Solid understanding organ function, five phase & six conformations.
Includes lifetime access to the recording of this class
NCCAOM PDA's only offered for live attendance
Includes lifetime access to the recording of this class
Practitioner Rate
Just for NEW practitioners!
We have two scholarships available
Have you been in practice for 18 months or less? Do you have an innovate vision for incorporating Saam into your work?
Share it with us! Deadline- 5/15/2023
There is a 20% discount for those who have previously studied Saam through Qiological. Write to us to get the code.
Fill first, drain afterward. Learn more in
This isn't a microsystem— it's the macro system
Your Instructor For This Class
Toby began studying Chinese medicine in 1997 with Sunim Doam, a Korean monk trained in the Saam tradition. He earned his master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2002 upon completion of training at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco and Chengdu University in China.
During his four years of training in San Francisco, he interned with the prominent acupuncturist Dr. Angela Wu and learned to apply the lofty theories he was studying in school into the pragmatic setting of a busy clinic. Afterward he completed a PhD in Classical Chinese Medicine under the guidance of 88th generation Daoist priest Jeffery Yuen.
Toby developed the Chinese Nutritional Strategies app to provide digital access to the wealth of Chinese dietary wisdom and the Chinese Medical Characters app to enable direct access to foundational Chinese medical terms and concepts. In 2023 he published his first book, *An Introduction to Chinese Medicine*, a patient's guide to traditional East Asian medicine.
For the past four years he’s been teaching the Saam method as it was taught to him by his teacher.
Continuing Education Credit and Cancelation Policy
16 hours of Category 1 California CEUs are available from provider #1404 pending approval from the California Acupuncture Board.
Registrations canceled before May 27, 2023 will be refunded 100%. No refunds after that.
14 NCCAOM PDA’s are offered.
Registrations for those receiving NCCAOM PDA canceled before May 22 are refunded at 80% of the sale price. Those canceled before June 1 are refunded at 50%. No refunds after that.
Livestream must be attended in its entirety for CEU or PDA's to be awarded